It has been two full years since BC declared that the COVID-19 outbreak was indeed a pandemic. For the first couple of months, we all looked inward, avoided contact with family and friends, did grocery shopping with silent focus and eventually, for us and your children, returned to school with an encyclopedia worth of restrictions. It was tough love, and it worked!
Eventually, things eased up a little, we got used to masks, washing our hands, and keeping our distance. We waved and gave thumbs up to one another and, we waited. Vaccines came. We took our turn, got our jabs and slowly things returned to a semblance of normality. Delta set us back and Omicron roared through, but we got our boosters, wore our masks and, we waited.
Slowly but surely, we have moved forward. Our self-obsession has lessened, our confidence has increased, and we have taken steps, first tentatively, then with more determination, to move forward and get on with it. The light is definitely at the end of the tunnel and we can see it.
Imagine though, that you have fought this good fight not in B.C. but in Ukraine. Imagine that just as you thought that life was going to get back to normal, the unimaginable happened, that your neighbour, who had suffered alongside of you, decided to take out their angst and their frustration on you.
Imagine that the hospitals that two weeks ago were caring for COVID patients, birthing babies and performing life-saving surgeries were now being pounded into dust and a Spring of hope had turned into a season of suffering and terror.
The next two weeks will be a time of renewal for us. A time to relax and perhaps travel for the first time in twenty-four months. Life is returning to normal, for us.
Please take some time over the next two weeks to think of our friends, relatives and allies in Ukraine. The pandemic first taught us to look out for ourselves, and then our neighbours, and then society as a whole. Let’s apply those lessons to our comrades a half a world away and keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
Have a restful, reflective, recuperative and relaxing holiday.